Kate Steel

Why go to IVF centres and regain happiness of life?

Are you struggling to get a little bundle of joy in life? A little baby could definitely bring in lots of happiness in couples life. Sometimes due to various reasons, females may not be able to conceive. IVF - In vitro fertilisation could be an answer to all your problems. IVF is an infertility treatment wherein eggs from the female body are extracted, sperm sample is retrieved and then manually an egg and sperm are combined in a laboratory to form an embryo, which is later transferred into women's uterus. The success rate of IVF in younger women aged below 35 is 40% and the success rate gradually decreases with the growing age of women. Best IVF centre in India has great potential of clearing our doubts and giving you wise advises before starting off the treatments. Compared to the other clinic, the success rates of IVF treatments are much higher in the reputed clinics.

Many couples regardless of infertility issues, chooses IVF as it helps them conceive more quickly at a time that's right for them. It increases chances of a healthy pregnancy and child. Doctors of IVF clinic in India are experienced and the clinics do have all state of art equipments. These treatments are also beneficial for single women looking forward to have own child. In many of the countries IVF treatments are also wondrous for the same sex couples. When you go the renowned clinics, the processes are simple and everything is explained in detail.

One can start IVF treatment from day 1 of their period. Naturally, your ovaries produce only one egg, to encourage your follicles to produce more eggs; you'll be prescribed medication for 8-14 days which would generally be in the form of injections. These injections could be taken on your own at home. The process of follicle development in your ovaries is closely monitored with the help of regular ultra sounds. Once the eggs are released, you'll be asked to get admitted in the hospital and through a small procedure the eggs are retrieved from your ovaries. This procedure generally takes 20-30 minutes and a general anaesthesia is given to perform the procedure. The recovery generally takes 30 minutes and you will be able to walk out of the hospital on your own. Fresh sperm is retrieved from the male partner he same morning and the same is combined with the retrieved egg post laboratory procedure. If the sperm fertilizes the egg, it becomes an embryo. The embryo is than transferred in women's uterus and is a very simple process. It takes about 5 minutes, you’ll be awake, there’s no anaesthetic, and you can get up straight away. Two weeks after your embryo transfer, you’ll have a blood test, which usually means a positive pregnancy test.

The treatments of IVF are effective even in case of choked or damaged fallopian tubes. A lot of people also rely on fertility clinic when they are not able to conceive naturally.

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